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From Values to Profit; Define Your Core Values for Business Success

Strong core values are the glue that holds together a business and allows it to thrive in day-to-day circumstances and stay true to its unique mission. They lie at the heart of its business model and affect every area of its operation. It's no exaggeration to say that they can be the key to whether the business succeeds or fails. Every business needs to identify its core business values and make sure they're reflected in every aspect of its operation. Doing this offers a wide range of benefits that includes better branding, improved customer service, and a business that’s run more effectively. Learning Objectives: By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to: ➢ Recognize the importance of core values with real-life examples that show why defining them is critical. ➢ List the key elements in creating strong core values and be able to identify the core values of successful businesses. ➢ Identify your own personal core values to help guide you in choosing your business’ core values. ➢ Identify your own business core values and communicate them to everyone associated with your business. ➢ Use strategies to help you implement your core values to make sure your business stays on track. This course is broken down into 5 modules with an introduction and conclusion, to take you step-by-step through From Values To Profit. The modules follow a logical order, so while you can skip around if you want, it’s best to work through them one at a time. 

From Values to Profit; Define Your Core Values for Business Success

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