Looking to sell your clothes and get the most for your money? What a great way to clean out your closet, avoid adding more clothing to a landfill and earning some extra cash! It may take some time but it could be worth the effort and make you feel good about doing something good for the planet! Check out the Top 9 Places to Sell Old Clothes to Get the Most for Your Money

We found this wonderful article written by Rachel LeWinter for Readers Digest. Rachel is a New York City-based writer, editor, and style expert. She served as the Fashion Director at a national magazine, and has spent more than 15 years styling celebrity cover shoots, writing editorials, and finding the best products you never knew you needed. At RD.com, she covers fashion, beauty, gift guides, and various other lifestyle topics.

Breeze through this wonderful guide here for the best places to sell your clothes and earn some extra bucks!